1. Don’t forget the romance. Ephesians 2:4 “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ...”
A. The gospel is God’s love language, first expressed in the garden.
2. Don’t forget your first love. Jeremiah 2:2 “...I remember the devotion of your youth, how as a bride you loved me…”
A. We allow the business of life to quench the fire of our spiritual devotion.
3. Don’t forget the power of compromise. Jeremiah 2:23 “How can you say, ‘I am not defiled; I have not run after the Baals’?
A. It’s often the little decisions that lead us astray. Kenny Rogers “Ruby”
4. Don’t underestimate your wicked heart. Jeremiah 2:35 “Yet in spite of all this you say, ‘I am innocent; he is not angry with me.’
A. Self deception comes naturally, so we minimize or discount sin.