![A Mountain Top Experience](https://dq5pwpg1q8ru0.cloudfront.net/2020/11/11/15/05/34/7c6bf8ea-5589-4e6c-8417-ba93d055e0c9/11-15-20%20mountain%20top%20experience.jpg)
1. Being indecisive about who we worship causes us to limp around in life. (vs.21)
2. Religious tricks are a total waste of time (vss.22-29).
3. God answers prayer and His heart is for revival (vss.30-40)
Discussion Questions
1. What seems to be the trouble in Israel? (1 Kings 18:17-19)
2. Someone once said, “You’ll never find the true God until you recognize your false gods.” Why is it so difficult to acknowledge that we might have other gods in our heart?
3. What is the key to the power that Elijah had? (James 5:16-18)
4. What will you apply to your life today from God's word?