Notes: 1. Two problems in the life of Nebuchadnezzar
Problem #1 – He does not see God as almighty and sovereign over all kingdoms. (vss.17,25,32)
Problem #2 - Pride is Nebuchadnezzar's problem (vss.4,30)
How can I resist pride with God being my helper?
Resist the temptation to compare
Resist the temptation to be defensive
Resist the "me" first temptation.
Pray for more humility
Pray that God gives you more grace for others
Pray for more dependance on God
Discussion Questions:
1. What prompted a pagan king to write this document?
2. Three times in Daniel 4 God stresses his sovereignty. Why?
3. What does Nebuchadnezzer's experience teach us about the dangers of pride?
4. What does this chapter teach you about God?